Living on Borrowed Time

Living on Borrowed Time is not a new concept. It is a few centuries old, originating from England. What does it mean? Generally speaking, it means that one should already be dead, but instead is still alive. Typically, one is expected to die soon after. People usually recognize that they're living on borrowed time after a diagnosis of a terminal illness. They can also recognize it after a traumatic event occurs, such as a bad accident. Others recognize that they're living on borrowed time when they outlive their life-expectancy estimation.

My name is Hanh Dinh, and despite the fact that I haven't been diagnosed with a terminal illness, I haven't been in a life-threatening accident, and my life expectancy isn't near its end, I still recognize that I'm living on borrowed time. That's because I'm aware of the fact that the future isn't guaranteed and that anything can happen. When it's our time to go, it's our time to go; so let's live life fully and be ready to go at all times.

I am the president of Blessed Entity Corp, which is the owner of Living on Borrowed Time. I prayerfully founded this company in March 2021. Please know that I'm not referring to myself as the "blessed entity." Instead, I'm a mere representative of it. The blessed entity in reference is not God in particular either. Instead, the entity refers to the concept of heaven on earth. How blessed would it be to live in an earthly society that mirrors heavenly principles and be able to pass on such a society to future generations? How would you like to experience heaven on earth? How would you like to allow your children and grandchildren to experience heaven on earth?

The vision of Blessed Entity Corp is to enhance each person's self-awareness so that all can obtain self-actualization, if they haven't already. Self-awareness is promoted through, education, meditative exercises, and prayerful practices. The possibilities of building the kingdom of heaven are endless if every person were to discover their unique purpose.

The mission of Blessed Entity Corp is to continue to build the kingdom of heaven here on earth at all levels of society, including, but not limited to, the individual, familial, communal, corporate, and governmental levels by instilling heavenly virtues, promoting policies and practices that produce longest-term stability and growth, and thus allowing peace and justice to flourish.

It is my hope that we all recognize our mission and purpose in this life as God's precious children. Perhaps you doubt God's existence. Perhaps you doubt that there's an afterlife. If so, what is the meaning of life? And why were you even born? Is it all in vain? We are simply born to experience potentially many decades of life and then die, ceasing to exist? If that's the case, what then is the purpose of all that?

May God bless you and protect you in this journey called life, and may you live each to the fullest.

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