Pray for Faith

August 29, 2022

Faith is a gift from the divine that not everyone has nor everyone can accept--not immediately at least. Faith can be compared to a muscle or skill. At first use or application, we can be discouraged because of the lack of competence. What do we do after feeling discouraged? Do we keep trying or do we give up?

I've heard many people tell me that faith is not for them, which is saddening. However, there's not much I can do when they aren't ready, except pray for them. I pray that soon their hearts and mind will be open to faith.

Faith, to me, is rational. For me, to take a leap of faith, there's always some rationale behind it. Seldom is it a blind leap of faith. I even find rationale behind religious dogma. When we study a religion deeply enough, its dogma eventually makes sense. Therefore, faith is rational. It is from reason that we have faith. Please look at the following example.

____ ____ _C_ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ _?_

If I asked you what the red question mark at the end should be, would you be able to answer correctly?

Faith is the same way. If we can draw enough connections in our experience, eventually we can use logic--both induction and deduction--to help us make that leap of faith.

At every step in this journey called life, we can always use more faith. Faith gives us strength to stand tall in the midst of grueling storms. Faith tells us to look up when our world is crashing down. Faith is the fuel that drives us be righteous and remain righteous when no one is looking. Faith gives us eyes to see the supernatural in the natural. Faith motivates the soul to pursue the greatest spiritual realm and to call others to the same pursuit.

Will you exercise and grow your faith? Or will you let it atrophy?